Fashion Thats Feeds. This compelling slogan is only one of the things that drew e. Allen to one of our newest brands, Half United. Sibling’s Carmin and Christian Black founded this amazing brand fighting the world’s #1 health risk- Hunger! For every product purchased, Half United will give a week of meals to a child in need. Recognizing that there are over 925 million hungry people in the world today, this brother-sister duo banned together in 2010 to make a change. Since then, Half United has given over 150 thousand meals to children. In addition to the positive effect the meal donations have, HU uses only products sourced from local businesses and organizations they partner with. Handmade in the USA, Half United is taking great strides to make a positive effect on the world and e. Allen is proud to be a part of that. Stop by either location today and shop Half United jewelry and their “Giving Back” tee (both pictured left).
So what are you waiting for?.. #DOYOURHALF