Banning Cvengros

This polished, Bohemian-inspired beauty is as talented as a lead in our Franklin store as she is as a universal stylist. While always fresh-faced and bright, her personal style radiates through any given look portraying such tremendous individuality.  This lady loves a boot and hat while solid denim choices combined with a tailored blazer round our her core wardrobe.  She rocks that look…and enjoys helping clientele do the same.

Latest News & Events

Supergoop Love…

While you have hopefully done a fairly decent job with your skin upkeep through the winter months, it’s certainly better to start doing so now more than later. Enter: Supergoop.  This brand [...]

Memorial Day Musts…

Memorial Day is coming up.  The question is, are you ready? Be it hitting the lake with family and friends or simply gathering for a cookout or low key lunch over the extended holiday weekend, [...]

Fashion’s BIGGEST Night…

The Met Gala always brings fashion to the forefront.  Each year, our crew discusses the highly-anticipated attendees on the front end….and can’t wait for follow up discussion of the [...]


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